Franciscan Solitude

Service content::A life experience based on “Rules of Solitude” written by St.Francis. A solitude usually last for seven days or more. During this period, in silence, one totally surrender in God. Other than daily mass readings and scriptures, there is no biblical or spiritual books to read, just an “emptiness” in heart that shall lead to the unity with the Lord.

Spiritual director:: Fr. Francis TamSr. Lucia Mak

Journey Retreat

Service content:A seven-day retreat based on “The Soul’s Journey to God” written by St. Bonaventure. The retreatants will experience a journey from his/her inner soul towards God.

Spiritual director:Fr. Francis TamSr. Judith Yuen


Personal Spiritual Direction

Service content:Provide spiritual direction based on “Franciscan Spiritual Direction” and “Ignatian Spiritual Exercises”

Spiritual director:Fr. Francis TamSr. Judith YuenSr. Lucia MakSr. Rosalia KongBr. William Ng

Group Spiritual Direction

Service content:Through Franciscan spirituality, to experience a spiritual growth in Christian faith. It will be held in a small group.

Spiritual director:Fr. Francis TamSr. Judith YuenSr. Lucia MakSr. Rosalia KongBr. William Ng


Guided Retreat

Service content:A personal provided retreat. It can be 7, 30 or 40 days.
Spiritual director:Fr. Francis TamSr. Judith YuenSr. Lucia MakSr. Rosalia KongBr. William Ng

Pilgrimage to Assisi

Service content:The city of Assisi is the place where St. Francis and St. Clare once lived. There, found many traces of their response to the God's love. A pilgrimage to Assisi will assist pilgrims to better understand the two saints and enter the essence of their spiritual experiences.

Spiritual director:Fr. Francis Tam


Lectures about St. Francis

Service content:Provide spiritual lectures on St. Francis, St. Clare or St.Bonaventure according requirements from groups or schools.

Spiritual director:Fr. Francis TamSr. Judith Yuen